Honey was found on road earlier tonight in really bad shape. She is tiny (1.5lb), skinny, listless and covered in dirt and oil patches. Her eyes were sealed shut with secretions, and belly distended with worms. Thankfully we have not heard her sneeze yet, so fingers crossed she doesn't have
rhino! she was nick named "Help" because despite her tiny size she has a very loud sad
meow that sounds like "help!". She has been veterinary check,
de-wormed (
Pyrantel Pamoate), and started on a course of antibiotics. She is only about 6 weeks old, and still has beautiful blue kitten eyes!
*pictures to come soon
We currently
desperately need a foster home for this kitty!!!! she cannot be kept with other cats, but dogs are fine.
please let us know if you know anyone who can help!