Saturday, December 12, 2009
Feral Cat Population #01NDG09
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Rocky Pictures / Update
Rocky - New Arrival
Sex: Male/Neutered
Breed: Boxer
Size: Large (72lbs)
Date Rescued: December 8th 2009
Not Recommended: Children under 14
Reason rescued: Rocky was going to be euthanized after being to much to handel in the household with kids.
I like: Long walks on the beach, candle lit dinners. Well long walks, and my kibble does just fine. I am a Boxer; you know what comes with boxers? Energy! Yes – energy, I got it! No more than an average boxer though, and I know when its down time. But when its go-time oh boy can I go! I like to play, and run, and have long walks.. you know, like any dog really.
I Dislike: Being homeless for one. I also do not get along great with other dominant type dogs, because I can be dominant myself with other dogs – we would not mesh well. Also I was raised in a family with kids.. but growled at them once for what ever reason (who doesn’t lose patients with kids now and then). To be on the safe size, I should never be trusted around kids – ever.
Hobbies and Interests: Giving and received lots a love, attention, play time, long walks, the usual.
Looking for: A warm loving home. I need a strong experienced owner who can keep me in-line, because I am a strong hardheaded dog (comes with the breed). However I respond GREAT to the little bit of training I have had, I just need someone who can keep up with it and wont let me get out of had.
To the Point: Now that you have got to know me a little bit, lets get to the point. I am a fantastic dog, and full of brains. I am a quick learner and very eager, you give me a little training and ill take it the whole 10 yards. However that goes the other way as well, give me a little slack and I will also take that the whole ten yards. I need someone that knows dogs, knows how to train dogs, and knows large breeds. I am too big of a boy to get the slack to be let out of hand. Because of my history with kids, I should not be trusted with them. Other than that, I am happy go-lucky and ready to spread my excess amount of love with you.
CLICK HERE to see updates on me
Monday, December 7, 2009
Sponsor an Animal – Frankie
Update October 25th 2009: Frankie went back into surgery for his left eye, still needed a little more nip and tuck! The surgery went smoothly and he has recovered very well.
Update October 15th 2009: Frankie has developed a minor infection in his left eyelid incisions! He mastered the art of rubbing his eyes with the E-Collar (Which is to prevent that). In turn he gave himself and infection, silly boy. He is now on anti-biotics for the infection and eye drops to reduce the scar tissue from the massive ulcer he had in his eye. His right eye looks GREAT, on the bright side. We may have to go back into surgery with the left eye once it is healed, we may have not taken the eye lid back enough. It is better to take too little than too much out! Soon enough we will have him all fixed up. Also the other big news is; Frankie has been adopted by his foster mom!!! He won over her heart and after weeks of giving him his intensive treatments.. who wouldn't! We are very happy for him, he will now enjoy the rest of his life in Hudson.
Sponsor an Animal – For Christmas!
It is a sad reality that although many homeless pets will be finding homes for Christmas, many homeless pets will also not be finding homes for Christmas. Help fill their heart with joy of that special day, donate. We are raising money to be able to provide gifts and treat for the animals in our care on Christmas. Help make those tails wag with joy Christmas morning, even if they have not found their forever home. Remainder of money will also be used as emergency fund to save urgent cases in the New Year.
Donations can be made in someone else’s name, and mailed to you or them. Please send us and email to specify after donating.
- Less than 20$ email confirmation with picture of animal donation helped.
- 20$ or more: Certificate of donation, with picture of animal donation helped.
- 50$ or more: Signed thank you letter with picture of animal donation helped, Rescue T-Shirt and 2 pins.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Birthday Girl Sage; Chooses to Donate to rescue instead of getting presents