Sage is a very special little girl who decided to not only donate to the rescue for her birthday, but also raised money through her birthday party and friends to also donate towards us. Sage and her family were able to raise a grand total of 540$ and chose to donate towards a special little kitty named Noah, who needed reparative jaw surgery after being abused.
We cannot thank the Pinto-Miniorgan family enough for all that they have done for the rescue. Their older daughter Grace also chose to do the same in October, which was picked up and aired on CBC news! (Click Here). It is so humbling to see the great morals taught by this family at such an early age. We hope this story inspires other children to think about others, and realize that they CAN help make a difference in the world.

Sage meeting Noah, the kitty she helped save!
Sage, Annly and Noah. Annly is the person who saved Noah.

What a sweet girl!